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00026_Script_Multi-State Button
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417 lines
on getBehaviorDescription me
return \
"This behavior toggles the sprite it is attached to between two states: OFF and ON. " & \
"In each state, the member of the sprite is set according to the position of the mouse (elsewhere, rollover, mouseDown)." & RETURN & \
"The behavior returns the current state of the button in response to a #ToggleButton_State call." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"To create a group of radio buttons, give each button in the same group the same ID. " & \
"Switching one button in the group on will switch all others off." & RETURN & RETURN & \
"Graphic" & RETURN & RETURN & \
"-- OFF state --" & RETURN & \
"* Standard member (when mouse is elsewhere)" & RETURN & \
"* Rollover member" & RETURN & \
"* MouseDown member" & RETURN & \
"-- ON state --" & RETURN & \
"* Standard member" & RETURN & \
"* Rollover member" & RETURN & \
"* MouseDown member" & RETURN & \
"-- COMMAND --" & RETURN & \
"* Sent when the button is switched ON" & RETURN & \
"* Sent when the button is switched OFF" & RETURN & \
"-- Optional --" & RETURN & \
"* Toggle group ID (to create a group of radio buttons)" & RETURN & RETURN & \
"If members are placed consecutively in the cast in this order then default values can be used to create the button."
end getBehaviorDescription
on getBehaviorTooltip me
return \
"Create an ON/OFF button which reacts to rollovers and clicks. " & \
"Use several such buttons together as a radio button group."
end getBehaviorTooltip
-- This behavior communicates extensively with other sprites. Since there
-- may be up to 1000 sprites, it is important to use sendAllSprites with
-- prudence. Indeed, this behavior only uses sendAllSprites once, in the
-- Initialize handler.
-- ToggleButton_GroupRollCall
-- The purpose of the call is to identify all other members of the radio
-- button group. The behaviors that field the call add their object reference
-- to a list, ourGroupList. Each behavior stores a pointer to this list.
-- Subsequent communications are of the form:
-- call (#customMessage, ourGroupList, additionalParameters)
-- This limits the messaging process to only those sprites which need to know.
-- ToggleButton_MouseDownList
-- Lists can be used to make information available to other sprites without
-- sending any messages. All behaviors in a group also share a pointer to an
-- ourMouseDown list. Whenever the user clicks on one of the members, the
-- unique item in this list is set to TRUE. When the mouse is released, it
-- is set to FALSE. All buttons in the group know instantaneously if any
-- member of the group has been clicked. This means that if the mouse is
-- clicked on one button in the group, other group members will switch to
-- their mouseDown state as the mouse is draggged over them
-- ToggleButton_Rollover
-- When the mouse is released, the clickOn sprite asks each other group
-- member in turn if the mouse is currently over it. If none respond, then
-- ourMouseDown is set to [FALSE]. If any buttons respond, then the
-- mouseUp event sent to the topmost button will activate its Toggle handler.
-- ToggleButton_Off
-- When a button is toggled on, it instructs all others in the group to switch
-- themselves off.
-- ToggleButton_State, ToggleButton_ActiveButton
-- These two calls are not used in the behavior itself. they are included
-- to let you know the state of a particular button, or to know which button
-- in a given group is currently ON.
-- If you have only one button, then you can use the ToggleButton_State
-- call with no parameters. If there are several buttons, then you can either
-- send an empty list out to a given group, and receive a list of the state of
-- each button in reply.
-- ToggleButton_ActiveButton should be sent to a particular group. You
-- must include an empty property list in your call, and will receive in reply
-- a list of the form: [#sprite: <spriteNum>, #behavior: <object reference>]
-- 11 September 1998, written for the D7 Behaviors Palette by James Newton
-- 5 January 2000: updated to D8 <km>
property spriteNum
property mySprite
-- author-defined parameters
property myOffMember
property myOffOverMember
property myOffDownMember
property myOffCommand
property myOnMember
property myOnOverMember
property myOnDownMember
property myOnCommand
-- internal properties
property theMouseWasUp
property myRollover
property myState -- TRUE | FALSE: max one button in group TRUE at one time
-- shared properties
property ourID -- string common to all buttons in a group
property ourGroupList -- list of behaviors in the group
property ourMouseDown -- list indicating if the clickOn is in the group
on beginSprite me
Initialize me
end beginSprite
on prepareFrame me
CheckForRollover me
end prepareFrame
on mouseDown me
ClickOn me
end mouseDown
on mouseUp me
if ourMouseDown[1] then Toggle me
end mouseUp
on mouseUpOutside me
CheckGroupForClick me
end mouseUpOutside
on Initialize me -- sent by beginSprite
mySprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
ourGroupList = []
-- Insurance: properties are indeed #members
myOffMember = member (myOffMember)
myOffOverMember = member (myOffOverMember)
myOffDownMember = member (myOffDownMember)
myOnMember = member (myOnMember)
myOnOverMember = member (myOnOverMember)
myOnDownMember = member (myOnDownMember)
sendAllSprites (#ToggleButton_GroupRollCall, ourID, ourGroupList)
call (#ToggleButton_MouseDownList, ourGroupList, [FALSE])
end Initialize
on CheckForRollover me -- sent by prepareFrame
mouseOverMe = (the rollover = me.spriteNum)
if myRollover = mouseOverMe then
if theMouseWasUp = the mouseUp then
exit -- Nothing has changed
theMouseWasUp = the mouseUp
if mouseOverMe then
if the mouseUp then
-- Mouse was clicked elsewhere then dragged and released over button
case myState of
TRUE: mySprite.member = myOnOverMember
FALSE: mySprite.member = myOffOverMember
end case
end if
end if
end if
set myRollover to mouseOverMe
if ourMouseDown[1] then
if myRollover then
case myState of
TRUE: mySprite.member = myOnDownMember
FALSE: mySprite.member = myOffDownMember
end case
-- Indicate that mouseUpOutside will have no effect
case myState of
TRUE: mySprite.member = myOnMember
FALSE: mySprite.member = myOffMember
end case
end if
if not the mouseDown and myRollover then
case myState of
TRUE: mySprite.member = myOnOverMember
FALSE: mySprite.member = myOffOverMember
end case
-- No reaction if mouse was clicked elsewhere and dragged to button
case myState of
TRUE: mySprite.member = myOnMember
FALSE: mySprite.member = myOffMember
end case
end if
end if
end if
end CheckForRollover
on ClickOn me -- sent by mouseDown, CheckForRollover
ourMouseDown[1] = TRUE
case myState of
TRUE: mySprite.member = myOnDownMember
FALSE: mySprite.member = myOffDownMember
end case
end ClickOn
on Toggle me, whichState -- sent by mouseUp, ToggleButton_Off
if voidP (whichState) then
myState = not myState
myState = whichState
end if
ourMouseDown[1] = FALSE
theMouseWasUp = TRUE
case myState of
mySprite.member = myOnMember
do myOnCommand
mySprite.member = myOffMember
do myOffCommand
end case
if ourGroupList.count() then
if myState then
call (#ToggleButton_Off, ourGroupList, me)
end if
end if
end Toggle
on CheckGroupForClick me -- sent by mouseUpOutside
groupRollover = call (#ToggleButton_Rollover, ourGroupList, [])
if not groupRollover.count() then
ourMouseDown[1] = FALSE
end if
end Disactivate
-- PUBLIC METHODS (responses to #sendSprite, #sendAllSprites, #call) --
on ToggleButton_GroupRollCall me, groupID, groupList
-- sent by each new button that joins the group
if groupID = ourID then
ourGroupList = groupList
end if
return groupList
end ToggleButton_GroupRollCall
on ToggleButton_MouseDownList me, mouseDownList
ourMouseDown = mouseDownList
end ToggleButton_MouseDownList
on ToggleButton_Rollover me, theList
if the rollover = me.spriteNum then
end if
return theList
end ToggleButton_Rollover
on ToggleButton_Off me, callingBehavior
-- sent when the member of the group which is toggled ON
if callingBehavior = me then exit
Toggle me, FALSE
end ToggleButton_Off
on ToggleButton_State me, groupID, statesList
if not voidP (groupID) then
if groupID <> ourID then exit
end if
case ilk (statesList) of
#void: return myState
statesList.addProp(me.spriteNum, myState)
end case
return statesList
end ToggleButton_State
on ToggleButton_ActiveButton me, groupID, theList
if not voidP (groupID) then
if groupID <> ourID then exit
end if
if not listP (theList) then
theList = [:]
end if
if not theList.count() and myState then
theList.addProp (#sprite, me.spriteNum)
theList.addProp (#behavior, me)
end if
return theList
end ToggleButton_ActiveButton
on isOKToAttach (me, aSpriteType, aSpriteNum)
tIsOK = 0
if aSpriteType = #graphic then
tIsOK = 1
end if
end on
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
theMember = sprite(the currentSpriteNum).member
theMemberNum = theMember.number
return \
[ \
#myOffMember: \
[ \
#comment: "-OFF STATE- Standard member:", \
#format: #graphic, \
#default: theMember \
], \
#myOffOverMember: \
[ \
#comment: "Rollover member", \
#format: #graphic, \
#default: member (theMemberNum + 1) \
], \
#myOffDownMember: \
[ \
#comment: "MouseDown member", \
#format: #graphic, \
#default: member (theMemberNum + 2) \
], \
#myOnMember: \
[ \
#comment: "-ON STATE- Standard member", \
#format: #graphic, \
#default: member (theMemberNum + 3) \
], \
#myOnOverMember: \
[ \
#comment: "Rollover member", \
#format: #graphic, \
#default: member (theMemberNum + 4) \
], \
#myOnDownMember: \
[ \
#comment: "MouseDown member", \
#format: #graphic, \
#default: member (theMemberNum + 5) \
], \
#myOnCommand: \
[ \
#comment: "-COMMAND SENT- when switched ON", \
#format: #string, \
#default: "sendAllSprites #Toggle_On, the currentSpriteNum" \
], \
#myOffCommand: \
[ \
#comment: "when switched OFF", \
#format: #string, \
#default: "sendAllSprites #Toggle_Off, the currentSpriteNum" \
], \
#ourID: \
[ \
#comment: "ID string for the group", \
#format: #string, \
#default: EMPTY \
] \
end getPropertyDescriptionList